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Will there be any new updates or the game dead


How to fix black screen

Game died:(

It seem i have a bug when i do the shop quest.... it only say "shop 00" "shop 01" etc.... and when i talk to Lucy it continu to say "shop 02" etc... so what i need to do?

(1 edit)

В квесте подарок для дедушки нету посылки в бане, что делать?(нашёл) Есть ли галерея для просмотра сцен?

к сожалению нет :(

is this game going to get a update


How do i fix the black screen?

Great game so far. Like the art and the mechanics. Dialogue was a bit clunky in the english version

I really enjoyed your other game "aliens in the backyard" and I thought I would check out this game. Is there an english version?

You just need to delete the Save folder and the language selection will appear. You can also select the penultimate menu item in the title menu"язык" there is English.