Hey bro you can change bathrobe in basement when Judith is in shower.. Well she showers on Monday... And bro Plz help me with the "help the nerd quest"
Found how to get Racoon Girl to spawn in. So that's great. But I can't use the paralyzer on her. I click Special and there is nothing. I can still use my First Aid Kits and Guard but every time I attack, it says 0 Damage. Do I just automatically use the Paralyzer on her when I attack?
возникает проблема с поиском помещения для софии, ходил в канализацию, в старую комнату енотихи, зачистил канализацию от алигаторов, но ничего не происходит
Hello. I'm playing a game on Android. reached this point, it is impossible to go further. what to do? on the gamepad emulator, all buttons are pressed except for X (the OK button is used by both C and Y and START). Button B turns off the controller. tested on two applications. it's the same everywhere. what to do?
Рус:здравствуйте. играю в игру на Андроиде. дошёл до этого момента, дальше пройти никак нельзя. что делать? на эмуляторе геймпада нажимаются все кнопки кроме X (кнопку ОК применяют и С и Y и START). Кнопка B выключает геймпад. тестировал на двух приложениях. везде одно и то же. что делать?
I also just wanted to mention a bug to get it out there, after the "Milk Delivery" quest everything basically shuts down, you can't advance time, speak with people (except for shop owners I believe). I'm not sure if its relative to how far you are in the story, however everytime I conclude a few quests I try it again only to have to reload my save as nothing seems to work. Other than that loving the updates and game, thank you!
Please help me to play the game in android) I bought the game yesterday, trying to find a solution to the problem (when I start the game, I immediately get an error)
After starting the game, I get a error and i dont know to start playing) please help me fix the version of the game android. I want to buy a game but I can't take the risk
Version 7 has many bugs at the end of the game. Holly text missing completley. Russian language can't find the image in the folder rus when the night comes. At some point I've got an error entering my room at the evening to see Holly on the camera. Skipping in the internet the day till the night will make all the screen black, only controls visible. I can make it to the bed for continuing the game. Missing text at the missions or not completley visible in the description. Phase 2 and 3 on the racoon showing ass are coming up at the same time as if i done two days in one. Missing images on the mothers anal and racoon's tit and ass show. School grade stuck on d+ even doing everyday two lessons, but can decrease. If needed i can post everything here in images for the android version of the game or at least i can tell you the other bugs i found
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after a while u cant g to collage because the game wont let you , your grades will drop and u fail - forced to restart the game
Where is this missing child for Help Mileena 1? i've searched the entire park and can't find the missing kid.
Too easy, he is in the park, if I do remeber well, on the left bottom side of the park, then bring him to Meleena
Hi guys i need help can someone please anwer me and tell me how can i change bathrobe
Just wait until Monday, go down to the basement and use the washing machine
Hey bro you can change bathrobe in basement when Judith is in shower.. Well she showers on Monday... And bro Plz help me with the "help the nerd quest"
After you do 3 photo shoots with Milly on the collage class is that the end of her story in version 9.3.1 same with the morning anal with Judith. And
how do you increase your psi reserves to 3
The PSI reserve will increase after defeating the raccoon girl.
How do I get Racoon Girl to spawn in? Been fighting racoons and possums at the beach at night but it's not triggering anything.
Found how to get Racoon Girl to spawn in. So that's great. But I can't use the paralyzer on her. I click Special and there is nothing. I can still use my First Aid Kits and Guard but every time I attack, it says 0 Damage. Do I just automatically use the Paralyzer on her when I attack?
Equip the items that the aliens gave you.
how do you get the raccoon girl to spawn in the first place
Is pregnancy possible in the game?
Possible in future versions, but not yet.
thanks for informing me much appreciated
возникает проблема с поиском помещения для софии, ходил в канализацию, в старую комнату енотихи, зачистил канализацию от алигаторов, но ничего не происходит
Сначала надо поговорить с Ти днем.
Hello. I'm playing a game on Android. reached this point, it is impossible to go further. what to do? on the gamepad emulator, all buttons are pressed except for X (the OK button is used by both C and Y and START). Button B turns off the controller. tested on two applications. it's the same everywhere. what to do?
Рус:здравствуйте. играю в игру на Андроиде. дошёл до этого момента, дальше пройти никак нельзя. что делать? на эмуляторе геймпада нажимаются все кнопки кроме X (кнопку ОК применяют и С и Y и START). Кнопка B выключает геймпад. тестировал на двух приложениях. везде одно и то же. что делать?
can u pls help me , i am stuckher too in android ,, i need help in completing that puzzle ??
Poster on the beach. You can get into the lair at night.
I also just wanted to mention a bug to get it out there, after the "Milk Delivery" quest everything basically shuts down, you can't advance time, speak with people (except for shop owners I believe). I'm not sure if its relative to how far you are in the story, however everytime I conclude a few quests I try it again only to have to reload my save as nothing seems to work. Other than that loving the updates and game, thank you!
Fixed it. Update the game.
Thank you!
This is strange. Have you downloaded the game for a long time? We have updated the version and fixed this bug.
Не работает А8
А 8 тоже не работает)таже качать с других сайтов таже бида
Значит проблема в твоей модели смартфона. На моем Хонор 10 все нормально. На эмуляторе тоже.
Старые сохранения не работают.
Это не то)я даже не могу нажать новая игра)сразу после запуска такая ошибка
А 8 работает?
Помогите пожалуйста)Купил вчера игру для андроид но при запуске выдает ошибку и ничего поделать нельзя.Может какой-то патч нуже... Помогите
Please help me to play the game in android) I bought the game yesterday, trying to find a solution to the problem (when I start the game, I immediately get an error)
We need a screenshot of the error.
After starting the game, I get a error and i dont know to start playing) please help me fix the version of the game android. I want to buy a game but I can't take the risk
Прошел очень много, но выбило такую ошибку после того как пришельцы позвали на помощь во время нападения во дворе
Обновил. Теперь проблем быть не должно.
Old saves don't work. Sorry.
First you need to find toothbrush, tv remote, banana
Bathroom, near the mirror
TV remote, have you tried it?
Version 7 has many bugs at the end of the game. Holly text missing completley. Russian language can't find the image in the folder rus when the night comes. At some point I've got an error entering my room at the evening to see Holly on the camera. Skipping in the internet the day till the night will make all the screen black, only controls visible. I can make it to the bed for continuing the game. Missing text at the missions or not completley visible in the description. Phase 2 and 3 on the racoon showing ass are coming up at the same time as if i done two days in one. Missing images on the mothers anal and racoon's tit and ass show. School grade stuck on d+ even doing everyday two lessons, but can decrease. If needed i can post everything here in images for the android version of the game or at least i can tell you the other bugs i found
where can i get the link for version 7
buy it first here..., then the link will be shown. You pay once and then you can get the game for any platform. Windows ios android...
Version 6 is a demo and public access
Yes, we know about it. We will update to version 8 soon.
Thanks for the new release
When is the Public Release of Aliens in the Backyard Version 7.1
У меня пишет ошибка игры
Какая ошибка?
Не удалось загрузить. img картинки trumb face drust png
Переиграй моменты где ошибка на английском, мне помогло
y can't i save my game from v4
The old saves don't work. We will try to make sure that this does not happen again, but unfortunately we cannot promise.
Hello there, there seems to not be a playable android version of the game.
The error has been fixed.