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Iam stuck in hall door bell ringing but not opening the door not going bedroom side

If you give me the save file, I can fix it. But I would like to catch the error.  What was the last thing you ordered from the computer?

Na missão de fa6a B0QU3T3 NA AULA NAO ATUALIZA

Hi Dark Forest. I have been playing the game on a website, but just recently purchased v.14. Is there anyway to port my save data from the browser version to the downloaded version? If so, I there a location where it is stored in google chrome?

Unfortunately, no one knows how to get the save files from the web version of the game.

how do I upload save from v12.99 to v14? 

Move your save files to another location, create new saves, and then replace the new files with the old ones.

I moved my old save files to the new download but my game keeps getting errors every time i try and load the save idk how to fi

This message was about a situation when the game does not see the save files. If you have an error when loading a save, then unfortunately, there is nothing you can do.  Yes, we have been informed that this sometimes happens, but the reasons are unknown.

(3 edits)

hello dark forest, i love your game but there are pretty BIG issues, i play on MAC and i love this game, but i can't play it cause it crash without text or something, it just freeze, now i'll list all the occasions i found, hope i can play again soon;

1) when you try to save, it FREEZE and CRASH, so i tried to do a day and maybe save with the sleep, but the game also CRASHES whan you sleep (this is the cause i can't play, because i can't go over the first day)

2)when you open and close the option the game CRASH without exception

on note i play on MACBOOK AIR - high sierra 10.13.6 

i really hope it will be fixed soon, because i loved v11 and want to restart, a big fan from italy.

this refer to V.14

Unfortunately, we don't have a Mac computer to test the game, but I can make a test build specifically for you. If it works fine, then we will update for everyone. Write how you can be contacted.

(1 edit)

i found a solution and i don't know how, but i usually play game and i let the icon on the desktop, they usually work fine, there was a game some times ago that i wanted to play, and just doesn't worked, and online i read that putting the game in the app folder fixed it, and strange enough it worked.

So with your game also when i changed the folder and moved your game from the desktop to the app section, it fix the problems, so if  someone will happen the same thing like me, just tell them to put in app section and not in desktop, strange enough, now it works fine, ty love you all.

Ну, начнём по порядку.

Во первых: Есть проблемы с зависанием. Иногда игра подвисает без причины. А ещё глючят сами персонажи. Например после разговора с кем либо, могут остаться глаза, или тело, и лечится это только разговором с этим же персонажем и то раз через раз.

Во вторых: Квесты. Интересные, конечно, и забавные, но некоторые не продуманны до конца. Иногда сидишь и думаешь, да, как я должен был додуматься до этой хрени вообще? Но, таких мало, потому не особо важно.

Третье: О, это у разработчика самая огромная проблема в игре. Боевка. Начнём-с, пожалуй. Из минусов, неизвестно сколько у противников хп. Такой себе минус, не особо мешает. Второй минус боевки, не продуманность. Гг имеет 1 уровень, с помощью бластера инопланетян наносит урон в 300 единиц, Крит может доходить аж до 2000 единиц урона, если не больше, но. Он имеет 450 хп. Не имеет брони, не имеет никаких активных навыков, при этом местные мобы бьют по 200 - 300 единиц урона, иногда по два раза, и не дают возможности отхилиться. То есть осталось у тебя где-то 90 единиц хп, ты пременяешь аптеку и отъезжаешь, потому что ходит моб и тебя убивает. То есть по итогу, я должен один раз ударить, после чего пропустить 2 или 3 хода, чтобы восстановить хп до изначального значения. Это тупость чистой воды, уж простите, господа разрабы, как бы мне сильно не хотелось вас обижать, но это полнейшая тупость. До такого только кострат без мозгов мог додуматься. Но это пол беды. Можно было бы и пережить, если бы можно было купить броню получше, чем долбаная курточка дающая 5 единиц защиты. Вот на этом прям сгорел, писец. 2000 баксов тупо слить на аптечки чтобы моба можно было ударить 1 раз в 12 - 13 ходов. Ну вы дебилы или что? Хотя бы ради приличия мозги включите. Сделайте персу лечение во время атаки, или пусть не тратит на это ход, не знаю. Много решений, потому что это не реально проходить долбанутую боевку, особенно с местными боссиками. Это полнейшая чушь.

В остальном, игра более менее прикольная, залипнуть можно на долго. Да, мини игры вызывают нарекания небольшие, но это на самом деле тоже не критично, к ним можно привыкнуть. А вот к тупой системе боев привыкнуть, увы, не возможно. Это вам надо исправить. Уж простите за грубость и прочее, но систему боя всё же поправьте. Хотя бы что-то лучше несчастной куртенки в продажу засуньте, пусть будет дороже, но защиты даёт больше. А то это слишком не реальная задача, проводить бои, я на них слил больше 20 тысяч баксов, просто тупо аптечки купил и это не помогло. Аптечки были слиты все из-за идиотской системы хила, а монстру ещё минимум 3 удара нужно нанести. Как? Не известно.

Спасибо за отзыв, мы посмотрим что можно сделать.

Sorry please. I have a mistake in the mission with the documents. They called me on Sunday and said that they forgot the documents, I took it and wanted to take the new weekend the city hall is closed. The reason is that on Monday when I came to the town hall there is no one there and the door is closed. The documents are in the inventory. And also tell me where you can get a whistle? 


Thank you for the error found. If you give me a save file, I can help you. The whistle will be further along the plot. When the neighbor asks the main character to walk the dogs.

when did judith or Holly is in the bathroom ? im stuck with this two quest

there is a bug in Milena's quest. after you find the child, Milena disappears and the mission doesn't end.

(1 edit)

After installing the camera in Holly's bedroom she comes out in the hall and blocks my way, won't let me talk to her or anything.  What now?

Deleted 1 year ago

I didnt know there were new versions.

I guess they are only on patreon

where is milena in help milena quest 1 i cant find her

I just started the game and I have no idea how to get the aluminum bowl for the computer quest. I interacted with everything but couldnt find it

Junkyard, left in Beach

I'm following Vixie in the school, I saw her go to her locker and then lost her, can't find her any where and it won't let me leave

How do i change the robe?


Wait till Judith is in the shower and go to basement put in washing machine

how do a wait her to go to shower 

How much time does it take round about for an update on patreon to get here?

Seeing how Patreon is on version 0.14.26 and this hasn't been updated since February I don't think they plan on updating it here

O jogo em demo é uma versão completa que não precisa pagar?

Deleted 2 years ago

Just get back to the neighbor and take your reward. After you talk with her, go down the house on the right there is fertilizer

I need help this game am stuck one quest  take fertilizer i completed talk to mary after i don't complete take fertilizer  and i don't leave house 

Use computer in your bedroom

how do i move my chrome save to the new downloaded version?

Hello,i have a problem with some scene,like "shake tits" or "a blowjob" every movement when start the scene is not loading and the image get gone. Please can my answer,i play on computer. Thank. Very good game.

It is a bug of version 12.99 already reported in comments

Journey So Far:
    I believe I've finished the game as it's made at this current time. I do enjoy the concepts and scenes that show up; however, the porn scenes have degraded in interest the more I've played. With a mix of moments where the Russian is poorly translated to points when they're not even translated at all, I mostly skip the text at that point. I assume they're being worked on as it is a work in progress, but I thought I'd mention a few areas that were most noticeable. 
     1) Playing with your dog. The choice is completely Russian. I assume it was meant to say "Play with Holly/Butters/Your Dog" or any of the multitude of ways you could put it, but it continued to be Russian.

     2) A lot of text in Milly's path felt like they were in the first stage of editing. One line said "Remove," where I'm positive it was meant to say "Cut". After that, it continued on with "Shot End" or something of a similar vein, but never "Cut".  That was the most noticeable of the text in the recent stages, but I do remember others where some words were over defined.

All in all, despite these things I've noticed (and others, but they'll require a second playthrough on my end) I do enjoy the game, and I can't wait to see where this game will go. I hope this doesn't discourage, but instead becomes something to strive toward at least. Can't wait to see what happens in the alien plot line, and I'm overjoyed to know a previous post of mine was replied to, as well with feedback. Thank you for being a wonderful developer, and I hope you find time both for the game and for yourselves.

     An Idiot

howdy, im trying to find a way to transfer my browser based save to the downloaded game... i have found where firefox stores the saved game, but it cant get read by the downloaded version... i was hoping the devs would know something about this?

Hi. Found myself with a bit of a softlock issue. During the quest where you're grabbing your soon-to-be girlfriend's things all across the school, I'm stuck in the boss battle. I saved over my previous saves, so unless I restart, I'm stuck fighting against the bully character since I have no healing items (used the heals fighting raccoons to get exponentially more money) so I now consistantly die since I miss my hits more than I can crit. just an endless cycle of dying to the bully and getting a game over. can't leave to grab heals or nothing. I really REALLY wish that the nurse in the school could sell health kits at like a higher price or something in case someone's an idiot. more likely than not, a person at that stage has already figured out you can basically grind up raccoons into cash, so I don't  think it's too big of an as. Thx if this gets fixed.

          An Idiot


It's a brilliant idea. It's a pity that we didn't think of it ourselves. Thanks!


Short reply to my previous issue. I was eventually able to get lucky on crits after 4 days of holding down the same button and watching from a few feet away. I'm glad this got noticed. thank you for the reply

     A Pleasantly Surprised Idiot 

I Didn't get to that point i think, but aren't there medic kits in the hospital for healing?

You're very much correct. However, as you play, you find yourself with a ray gun and an alien shield. this makes you immune to any damage from the trash mob (raccoon) and insta-kills quickly. Once I realized that, I sold my health kits and continued with my day. When you start the quest that brings you to the battle with the bully (the one I was stuck on), you're not allowed to leave the school until you have all the required items. Since I had no notice that I was going to get stuck in the school, I was stuck inside with no health kits because my caveman brain said "these useless" and chucked a very important item at a poor cashier that didn't deserve such abuse.

Any food with u?

Deleted 1 year ago

Check the comments, there already is an answer to that question

Deleted 1 year ago

Im stuck on the racoon girl. Can anyone help me

You need to equip the items that the professor gave you

(1 edit) (-1)

The Car Laser Weapon is stuck on my loadout i cant remove it from my Weapon slot why is that?

I won't be able to kill racoon girl :/

So umm... I can't get out of the weekend status to go to the college... how do I fix that?

Probably an event is undergoing, check backyard, basement, slums

how do you find out the principals cup size?

i am stuck...after you get kicked in the nuts what are you supposed to do? I cant click on the class, i went back home and cant click on anything

Ok so I play on Android and I'm a little confused because I have to go to the sex shop and I don't know how to unlock it or it's not on the Android version yet

Sex shop is available only after you do a certain quest with the sister. You need to do the photoset three times. After that she will need you to go to take the costume from her friend at the sexy shop

(1 edit)

I played the newest version and for some reason the animations no longer work, I'll get the image of the sex scene then just only text followed by the final image. Never had that problem in the past versions.

İ found a bug, so when i was trying the give documents to rhe city hall i tried go to the door but it says ne its closed and i remember it was still morning and my step mom still in the house . After that i tried to jump time, but i cannot use the pc or anything pls help me im stuck on that quest:-:

This quest wasn't supposed to start in the morning. Only during the day

How can i fix that i cant jump time

After i take the quest i didnt know where was the documents so i work on cafe, after i sleep after that i saw the light from the room after that i go to the city hall i think i glitch  it 


(1 edit)

Found a bug. V 12.9 on android.

   I'm on the quest to use the egg vibrator for Judith. It tells me to get the key. I do so and then I can't interact with anything besides doors. All the menue stuff does work normal.

Edit:.  That was on Saturday?  I reloaded jd retried on Monday and it worked fine.

Guys how can i make the document quest

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